
Unveiling the World of Quality Envelopes: The Innovative Range of Goelzer Industries

quality envelopes

The tangible touch of quality envelopes can make a profound statement. Goelzer Industries, a leader in envelope manufacturing, has been redefining the definition of quality envelopes with its range of innovative products. Let’s dive into the unique offerings that make Goelzer stand out. 1. The Art of Precision: Jet and Litho Printing Goelzer Industries has […]

Myths and Misconceptions of Gum-Seal Envelopes

Rediscovering the Classic Charm of Gum-Seal Envelopes The evolution of self-seal envelopes has brought a significant change to the world of mailing, moving away from the traditional, and often disliked, method of manually moistening envelope glue. Despite its general unpleasantness and the taste that many find off-putting, the traditional gum seal on envelopes holds a […]